Published On: Thu, Jan 28th, 2016

GitHub is down: ‘No server is currently available to service your request’ [Update: Fixed]

GitHub is down. GitHub is down. Do something else.

Source code repository hosting site GitHub is currently not working. Reports about downtime began about an hour ago. The GitHub team is working on restoring the service.

“We’re continuing to investigate a significant network disruption affecting all services,” the company said in an update on its status page at 5:02 p.m. Pacific.

GitHub outages don’t happen very often, although last year it faced a major distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack.

“No server is currently available to service your request,” GitHub says when you try to visit a repo. For what it’s worth, the unicorn image you see when you try to visit a GitHub website is kind of cute.

“We are investigating an ongoing service outage on,” a GitHub spokesperson told VentureBeat in an email. “We deeply apologize for the disruption and we are working to get the site back up as quickly as possible.”

Update at 6:29 p.m. Pacific: The GitHub Status Twitter account and status page indicate that “the site is recovering,” and indeed I’m now able to view some GitHub pages. This means the total outage lasted for around two hours.

Update at 7:17 p.m. Pacific: GitHub is still in a recovery phase following the outage.

Update at 8:24 p.m. Pacific: Okay, well, GitHubbers tells us that we’re now back to normal. That’s three hours after the outage began.


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