‘Brexit changed my view of Europe’ Angela Merkel reveals shock as EU divorce talks begin

ANGELA Merkel has admitted last year’s stunning Brexit vote rocked her view of the European Union . Daily Express :: World Feed  More...

by admin | Published 8 years ago
By admin On Friday, July 14th, 2017

Elephant rescued nine miles out to sea in heart-stopping ‘miraculous’ footage

AN elephant was saved from drowning after being swept out 10 miles to sea in a dramatic Navy rescue. Daily Express :: World Feed  More...

By admin On Tuesday, July 11th, 2017

THIS MEANS WAR? Russia warns attempt by Ukraine to join NATO will mean end of peace

RUSSIA has warned if the Ukraine joins NATO any attempt at peace in the region could be threatened. Daily Express :: World Feed  More...

By admin On Saturday, July 8th, 2017

Briton targeted by Costa del Sol serial sex attacker – warning as 3 threatened with murder

POLICE on the Costa del Sol are hunting a violent serial sex attacker whose victims include a British woman. Daily Express :: World Feed  More...

By admin On Wednesday, July 5th, 2017

Dutch RIP APART EU’s £51billion-a-year farming subsidies – they have to GO after Brexit

THE European Union’s near-sacred £51-billion-a-year Common Agricultural Policy budget will have to be slashed after Brexit, the Dutch farming minister has warned. Daily Express :: World Feed  More...

By admin On Sunday, July 2nd, 2017

Royal Navy boat in CLASH with Spanish warship off Gibraltar weeks before king’s visit

A ROYAL Navy patrol boat came within yards of being rammed by a Spanish warship in British waters off Gibraltar yesterday. Daily Express :: World Feed  More...

By admin On Thursday, June 29th, 2017

Belgium RIP OFF REVEALED: Food in Bruges restaurants cost MORE for tourists than locals

TOURISTS are being charged more for food than locals in popular holiday destination Bruges in Belgium. Daily Express :: World Feed  More...

By admin On Monday, June 26th, 2017

Former EU bigwig Schulz claims Merkel’s ‘arrogant, undemocratic style is ruining politics’

ANGELA Merkel has been accused of “arrogance” and attacking “democracy” by her rival for the German chancellorship, Martin Schulz. Daily Express :: World Feed  More...

By admin On Friday, June 23rd, 2017

Donald Trump branded a psychopath by North Korea as tensions rise after Warmbier’s death

DONALD Trump has been branded a “psychopath” by North Korea as tensions soar following the death of US student Otto Warmbier, who died after being detained by the brutal regime for over a year. Daily Express More...

By admin On Tuesday, June 20th, 2017

‘There WILL be an EU army’ German official claims 27 European militaries will UNITE

A SENIOR German defence official has insisted the European Union will inevitably launch its own army. Daily Express :: World Feed  More...

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