Jurassic Park: You won’t BELIEVE which Hollywood A-lister BEGGED Laura Dern for a role

LAURA DERN has revealed which Hollywood actor begged her for a part in the first Jurassic Park movie. Daily Express :: Films Feed More...

Batman Ben Affleck latest: Is Joe Manganiello dropping OUT as Deathstroke?
WILL BATMAN ever be made? Joe Manganiello has just given even more bad news on the troubled Ben Affleck DC production. Daily Express :: Films Feed More...

Star Wars: Force ghosts explained – how did Darth Vader become one if he was Sith?
STAR WARS Force ghosts look likely to turn up in Episode VIII: The Last Jedi, but how do they work and how did Darth Vader become one as a Sith? Daily Express :: Films Feed More...

Logan director CONFIRMS shocking ending was predicted in THIS scene from The Wolverine
LOGAN director James Mangold has confirmed the film’s shocking ending was predicted in his last film with Hugh Jackman, The Wolverine. Daily Express :: Films Feed More...

Full-frontal nudity, sex and torture in SHOCK new film with Pamela Anderson & James Franco
NEW adult horror movie The Institute shows shocking scenes of sex, S&M torture and full-frontal nudity with Pamela Anderson and James Franco. Daily Express :: Films Feed More...

Beauty and the Beast 2017 REVIEWS: Emma Watson splits critics in Disney remake
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST is still two weeks away from release but the first wave of reviews have emerged. What’s the verdict? Daily Express :: Films Feed More...

Star Wars 8 news: LEAKED Luke footage from The Last Jedi mirrors A New Hope scene
STAR WARS THE LAST JEDI footage from Ireland has been leaked and shows Luke in a scene that mirrors A New Hope. Daily Express :: Films Feed More...

The Oscars should be about movies not President Donald Trump, says British director
AN OSCAR-nominated British director has urged Hollywood stars to tone down their “political babble” amid fears tonight’s awards will become a volley of attacks on US President Donald Trump. Daily Express More...

Fifty Shades Darker news: Movie SLAMMED by professional dominatrix – ‘It’s PATHETIC’
FIFTY SHADES DARKER has been completely lambasted by a BDSM expert, who has called it “pathetic and disturbing”. Daily Express :: Films Feed More...

Film reviews: Hidden Figures, Moonlight and The Founder
WELL, I know which film I’ll be rooting for come Oscar night. Daily Express :: Films Feed More...
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