Surprise ‘Dragon Age: Inquisition’ DLC Now Available On All Platforms

Providing a treat to Dragon Age: Inquisition fans, BioWare has released a new DLC add-on for the latest installment of their popular role-playing franchise. The developer managed to keep the existence of the new item pack a complete secret until the title’s official Twitter account announced today that the Spoils of the Avvar DLC for Dragon Age: More...

Vice City Is Back: ‘GTA V’ Mods Recreate Nostalgic Vice City Map, But Still In Progress
In Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V), development doesn’t necessarily go forward. Sometimes, it goes back. GTA is not GTA if there are no players investing hours of love and labor to create some of the best and More...

Xbox One VS PS4: Hideo Kojima Says PlayStation 4 GPU Wins, But Does It Even Matter?
The Xbox VS PS4 console battle has famed video game creator Hideo Kojima claiming the PlayStation 4 is definitely the better gaming platform at least when it comes to graphics. In a related report by The Inquisitr, More...

Doom 4 Beta: The 2014 Release Date Should Bring Back Horror
The Doom 4 2014 release date is the biggest rumor in the gaming industry right now. But no one knows much about the project other than a beta will be packaged with preorders of Wolfenstein: The New Order. Even More...

Assassin’s Creed 5: Great Fall: Leaked Photos Prove Russia Is The AC 5 Location?
Assassin’s Creed 5: Great Fall is supposedly the name of the next sequel in the franchise. If the leaked photos are to believed, then a likely Assassin’s Creed 5 location might be Russia. In a related More...
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