Published On: Mon, Apr 17th, 2017

Trump Really Didn’t Like Those Tax March Protests – LOL


Keep at it, America.

On April 15, tens of thousands of Americans marched to demand that Trump release his tax returns, as every presidential candidate has done for the past forty years. The signs were clever, the crowds were rollicking, and as always, the protest was better-attended and more enjoyable than Trump’s inauguration.

Unsurprisingly, Trump reacted to these Tax Marches with his usual…eloquence and calm.

You heard it here first, kids: transparency ends with the election. I’ve always learned that the president is a public servant who becomes even more accountable to the American people once he’s sworn in, but not so! Most experts agree that the electoral college favors the Republican party, but not so! Thank God we have the nation’s finest political mind to tweet this wisdom at us.

In response to these tweets, Representative Ted Lieu (D-CA) joked that he was indeed “paid” to care about Trump’s taxes…paid by the taxpayers he represents.

In all seriousness, keep it up and keep going, Resistance. This is what democracy looks like: funny, tough, persistent, and joyful as hell. (You know, the opposite of the Trump White House.)

(Via Deadline; image via Shutterstock)

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