Published On: Thu, Apr 12th, 2018

This Ocean’s 8 Trailer Will Get You Amped for a Lady-Led Heist

The impeccable, all-female cast. My weakness for heist films. I was already amped for Ocean’s 8, but now that I’ve seen the above trailer, I realize just how much I want to take part in a heist. Not to actually steal anything mind you. Like, I’d give the jewels back. I just kinda wanna see if I could do it, you know?

Sandra Bullock plays Debbie Ocean, sister to George Clooney’s Danny Ocean of the previous “Ocean’s” films. After over five years in prison, Debbie gets out and wants to get back to doing the thing she’s good at. Heists. Having had all that time in prison to plan, she recruits a team featuring Cate Blanchett, Sarah Paulson, Rihanna, Mindy Kaling, Awkwafina, and Helena Bonham Carter to help her pull off robbing the annual Met Gala.

Anne Hathaway is also on hand, giving what looks like it’ll be an awesome comedic performance playing a seemingly ditsy Met Gala attendee whose blinged-out necklace seems to be a focal point of the plot.

Heist films are already plenty glamorous, but this one features the thieves in outfits I desperately want to be wearing. Besides this superficial point, the cast looks amazing and seem to have great chemistry with each other, and the story appears focused and exciting. I cannot wait for this movie to come out.

Thankfully, we don’t have to wait too much longer. Ocean’s 8 arrives in theaters June 8th.

(via Uproxx on Twitter, featured image: screencap)

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