Published On: Sun, Sep 2nd, 2018

This Crowdfunding Campaign to Troll Ted Cruz and Donald Trump with a Billboard Gets Fully Funded

ted cruz donald trump

How much is it worth to embarrass both Ted Cruz and Donald Trump? Trick question: it’s priceless. As the senate race in Texas between Cruz and democratic challenger Beto O’Rourke grows more heated (new polls show O’Rourke trailing by just 1 percent), the GOP is sending Donald Trump to endorse Cruz at one of his rallies at, according to Trump, “the biggest stadium in Texas”.

That’s right, Cruz is receiving a political endorsement from the same man who insulted his wife’s looks and claimed that his father was the Zodiac Killer. In fact, take a look at Trump’s tweeting history and you’ll find plenty of insulting tweets directed at Cruz himself. To highlight on this hypocrisy, USA Latinx, a political group dedicated to promoting Latinx candidates, launched a GoFundMe to put one of Trump’s Cruz-bashing tweets on a billboard. As they wrote in their GoFundMe bio, “We are planning to display the presidents own words about Cruz from 2016 on a mobile billboard, to remind Texans of the truth.”

Joining USA Latinx is Claude Taylor, the chairman of Mad Dog PAC, which works to fund billboards against Trump, the NRA, and the GOP on a national level. Also joining them is David Hogg, the Parkland student and gun control advocate. Hogg tweeted the campaign to his followers, and it quickly picked up steam. Soon, more people were responding with billboard mock-ups and suggestions.

The campaign’s original goal was to raise $ 6,000. After 24 hours, it had raised $ 9,760. Well done, everyone.

(via Daily Dot, image: Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

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