Published On: Mon, Aug 28th, 2017

Things We Saw Today: These Dancing Robots Just Set a World Record

I love dancing robots almost as much as I love dancing Pikachus, so this video put a smile on my face. These 1,069 robots, who were all lined up to dance in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, broke the previous Guinness World Record for Most robots dancing simultaneously of 1,007 robots. (via CNet)

  • NASA is letting you vote on the message that they’ll beam into space for the 40th anniversary of the launch of Voyager 1. The quotes are all quite earnest and touching, with options like “We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still”; “All of us are behind you, and ahead of you is everything”; and “Solar winds at your back, the stars shall light your way.” D’aaaww. Voting closes on August 29.
  • The Tick creators explained why they’re releasing the first season in two six-episode batches. “Fan energy wants to have a culture to express itself in,” said creator Ben Edlund. “So if you split a season, and give a gap in-between, you get anticipation, you get people are able [to] talk about what happened.” It’s an interesting approach, and I’m curious to see how it turns out. (via io9)
  • This Johnny Weir interview about Yuri on Ice and anime fandom is pure joy.
  • Rebecca Solnit wrote a really beautiful essay about being a woman for The Guardian, and although the title, “If I were a man,” suggests something more reductive and clickbait-y, it actually walks thoughtfully through the myriad ways that the patriarchy stifles all of us.
  • This artist’s chemistry boyfriends are my new favorite way to learn high school science.

What did you see today, readers?

(Featured image via screengrab)

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