Trying to Find Words to Explain Oklahoma’s Backwards, Misogynistic, Dystopian Abortion Bill
It’s hard to even know where to start with describing HB 1441, a new anti-abortion bill out of Oklahoma. It feels like it should be written out on the back cover of a dystopian novel, maybe a sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale. Imagine a world in which men must give their written consent before a woman can seek an abortion. A world where More...
Yale Renames Calhoun College After Computer Science Hero Grace Hopper
Yale University will rename Calhoun College, originally named for a virulent white supremacist and vocal advocate of slavery, as Hopper College. The new name will honor Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper, a founding More...
Things We Saw Today: These “Roverwatch” Stickers Imagine the Heroes of Overwatch As Dogs
These puppy stickers bear an uncanny resemblance to the heroes of Overwatch, don’t they? They’re a fan-made creation by Lily Nishita–not Blizzard-endorsed, or anything. But, hey, maybe they should More...
A Woman’s Place Is In the Revolution, and More Lessons From the Women’s March on Washington
Growing up, I was always taught that the word protest or demonstration was in fact synonymous to violence. I was brought up in Bhopal, a small city in the central part of India, where the sight of women rallying More...
Things We Saw Today: Hidden Figures Beat Out Rogue One to Become #1 Movie in America – Black girls rock.
For anyone doubting diversity, it’s time to have a seat. Hidden Figures is the number one movie in the country after raking in $ 22.8 million, thus dethroning Rogue One and exceeding expectations in the More...
No, Lee Daniels, #OscarsSoWhite Isn’t About “Complaining”—It’s About Change – Havo-dad, sir.
2016 might have been the year of incendiary Trump tweets and too many deaths, but it also birthed a new campaign—#OscarsSoWhite. The hashtag was actually started by’s managing editor More...
Michelle Obama Is Brutally Honest About Her Lack of Plans to Run For Office, Ever – But what if we ask really nicely?
For anyone who’s ever wondered/hoped/laid awake at night imagining a world in which Michelle Obama might run for office, we now have an answer, courtesy of this interview with Oprah. No. Oprah asks her directly, More...
Star Wars Logo Creator Based Her Design on Nazi Propaganda, But Says Star Wars Is Not Political
Since the release of Rogue One, debate about the movie’s political messaging (or lack thereof) has been all over the internet. Screenwriter Chris Weitz called the Empire “white supremacist,” while More...
Things We Saw Today: Who Gave This Rogue One Commercial the Right?
This ad from (you might recall their other Star Wars-themed tearjerker commercial last year) centers around a young student who wears a Stormtrooper mask all the time. They invite Star Wars fans in More...
Logging Offline Helped Me Conquer a Major Depressive Episode
Depression sucks. It’s terribly painful, exhausting, numbing and boring all at once. During a major depressive episode earlier this year, I slept too much, barely showered and struggled to concentrate on simple More...
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